Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Learning Objectives:
Language Arts
Reading - The learner will:
Read aloud grade-level –appropriate text with fluency and accuracy from at least 140 correct words per minute
Identify common root words, prefixes and suffixes, including Greek and Latin derivatives to determine meaning of unknown words
Use context clues to develop an understanding of new words
Identify narrative story elements (character, setting, and plot)
Acquire skills for comprehending literary text.
Identify main ideas and signal words to summarize information from expository text
Identify cause and effect relationships in text by responding to “why,” how,” and “what if” questions
Draw conclusions based on information gathered from text
Follow multi-step written directions
Identify and use graphic features that support text meaning (e.g. diagrams, maps, charts, illustrations)
State author’s main purpose for writing various texts
Distinguish between facts and opinions in expository text to support comprehension
Use synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs to develop an understanding of new words
Identify defining characteristics of literature genres, including poetry
Writing Components - The learner will:
Write fluently and legibly in cursive
Spell correctly Grade 4 high-frequency words and common content area words
Apply spelling rules appropriately to spell accurately
Use simple and complex sentences
Identify—future verb tenses, adjectives, personal pronouns, conjunctions
Correctly punctuate and capitalize titles, books, and geographical names
Identify comma use in a direct address and in compound sentences
Writing Process - The learner will:
use “Six + One Traits of Writing” and the writing process to acquire writing skills
generate ideas using prewriting strategies
use organizational strategies appropriate for writing
use ideas generated and organized in prewriting to write a draft that includes a main idea and details
use strategies to guide the revision process
be able to use similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and personification in his/her writing
identify and add transition words to clarify
rearrange words and sentences as needed to clarify meaning
edit the draft using an editing checklist with common editing marks
publish writing in an appropriate format for the purpose and audience
Learners will be able to:
Read, write, compare, and order whole numbers to 100,000 (and commonly used fractions with pictorial representation)
Identify and apply place value in whole numbers
Use decimal numbers with money (Count the value a of a collection of bills and coins up to $100.00)
Recall multiplication and division facts quickly and accurately from 0-10
Multiply up to two-digit by two-digit whole numbers and divide whole numbers by one-digit divisors
Add and subtract whole numbers up to 3 digits with and without regrouping
Select and use appropriate operations to solve word problems and show or explain work
Show relationships between division and multiplication using fact families
Understand and use U.S. customary and metric measurements. (degrees, inches, feet, yards, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, ounces, pound, tons, grams, kilograms)
Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
Identify, compare, and analyze attributes of two and three dimensional shapes, including parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines, and develop vocabulary to describe the attributes
Read and interpret simple tables, charts, bar graphs, and line graphs